Second unit used in the last half of Gundam Seed Destiny features the characteristic Advanced MS Joint System to allow for distinctive mid air poses and realistic mechanical detail. Full load out of weapons including being rifle, palm cannons, high energy beam cannon, composite shield, beam shield, anti ship sword, beam boomerang and beam sabers are included. Runner x10 tetron sticker x1 realistic sticker x1 Instruction manual x1 Bluefin Distribution products are tested and comply with all U.S. consumer product safety regulations and are eligible for consumer support
- Second unit used in the last half of Gundam Seed Destiny features the characteristic Advanced MS Joint System to allow for distinctive mid air poses and realistic mechanical detail.
- Full load out of weapons including being rifle, palm cannons, high energy beam cannon, composite shield, beam shield, anti ship sword, beam boomerang and beam sabers are included.
- Runner x10 tetron sticker x1 realistic sticker x1 Instruction manual x1
- Model Building Kit