Unicorn Gundam's rival and the successor mobile suit to Char's Sazabi, main antagonist machine Sinanju from the "mobile suit Gundam unicorn" Ova the coveted master grade treatment. Molded in color, Sinanju will be fully poseable upon completion, right down to its individually articulated fingers. Other features include an openable cockpit hatch and thrusters on its backpack that can slide open. Its array of weapons includes a beam rifle with grenade launcher attachment, a pair of beam axes and beam sabers and a shield. Both a sheet of waterslide decals and foil stickers are provided so you can choose which one you prefer For the model. A sheet of marking decals is also included to add further detail to this sharp-looking Mech. Using the new polystyrene frame, it is more resistant to chemical damage from lacquer paint. The bazooka used in Episode 6 is also included and can combine with the rifle for a menacing weapon. Runner x 23, foil sticker x1, water slides x1, tetron sticker x1, rifle x1, shield x1, beam saber x2, beam axe x2, bazooka x1, Instruction manual x1. Look for origin of shipment: Only items shipped from within North America are being sold by authorized U.S. Retailers. The product box will have a Bluefin / Bandai Namco warning label, which is proof that you are purchasing an officially licensed Bandai product, distributed by its sole and authorized distributor (Bluefin ) for the U.S. Markets. This product has been thoroughly tested for safety and meets all North American consumer product safety regulations. The affixed label also entitles the purchaser to product support assistance within the United States.
- Unicorn Gundam's rival and the successor Mobile Suit to Char's Sazabi, main antagonist machine Sinanju from the "Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn" OVA the coveted Master Grade treatment.
- Easy to assemble articulated model kit requiring no glue
- Colored plastic, minimal to zero paint required
- Runner x 23, foil sticker x1, water slides x1, Tetron sticker x1, rifle x1, shield x1, beam saber x2, beam axe x2, bazooka x1, Instruction manual x1
- Only product with affixed official Bluefin and Bandai Namco label has been thoroughly tested for safety and meets all North American consumer product safety regulations and entitles the purchaser to product support assistance
- Master Grade 1/100 Scale Model Building Kit