Battle Systems BSGCSE003 Core Space Purge Outbreak Expansion - 28mm Miniatures - Modular 3D Terrain
Battle Systems BSGCSE003 Core Space Purge Outbreak Expansion - 28mm Miniatures - Modular 3D Terrain
Battle Systems BSGCSE003 Core Space Purge Outbreak Expansion - 28mm Miniatures - Modular 3D Terrain
Battle Systems BSGCSE003 Core Space Purge Outbreak Expansion - 28mm Miniatures - Modular 3D Terrain
Battle Systems BSGCSE003 Core Space Purge Outbreak Expansion - 28mm Miniatures - Modular 3D Terrain

Battle Systems BSGCSE003 Core Space Purge Outbreak Expansion - 28mm Miniatures - Modular 3D Terrain

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Battle Systems BSGCSE003 Core Space Purge Outbreak Expansion - 28mm Miniatures - Modular 3D Terrain

  • 🚀 BATTLE SYSTEMS MINIATURES GAME - After successfully providing 3D Terrains to wargames like Warhammer, Battle Systems has finally started their own full tabletop strategy war game with Core Space.
  • 🚀 SUPERB EXPANSION FOR CORE SPACE - Outbreak is an expansion for Core Space that reinforces the Purge with the menacing Gatherers and the lethal Annihilator
  • 🚀 3D MULTI-LEVEL BUILDINGS - Like most of Battle Systems terrain, Core Space uses a detailed modular 3D board which will be the landscape for campaigns happening 40,000 years into the future. Compatible with other Battle Systems Science Fiction Terrains.
  • 🚀 40K UNIVERSE SETUP - New terrain infests your boards with living biomass, and new equipment such as the Mother’s Venom will give your crew new ways to survive!
  • 🚀 MINIATURE MODELS - Core Space Space Purge Outbreak Expansion includes 1 Purge Annihilator Miniature, 1 Purge Mother Miniature and 5 Purge Spider Miniatures unpainted figures made of PVC. You can paint each miniature making them come alive with their own unique character and personality.