Kneadatite Blue/Yellow ("Green Stuff") is a two-part epoxy/polyamide sealant/adhesive for interior and exterior maintenance and repair. It has excellent adhesion to stone, ceramic, metal, wood and many plastics, including vinyl. Kneadatite Blue/Yellow Epoxy Putty Tape and BarsNicknamed "Green" by sculptors and modelers, Blue/Yellow is well-known for its long worklife, non-grainy texture and ability to hold fine detail. Cured models withstand up to 4 vulcanizations. Blue/Yellow is not intended for structural applications. Blue/Yellow is available in 2 forms: as a roll of side-by-side epoxy putty tape and as 2 round bars in a reusable plastic tube.
- #1 preferred sculpting putty since the early '70s.
- Sculpt models and prototypes.
- Mixes in minutes.
- Long work life.
- Paintable No shrinkage; solvent and VOC-free.